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Ruba Botanica Blog

Sweet Sleep Blend: A Practical Electuary for Relaxation and Healthy Skin

anxiety sleep

Sweet Sleep Blend: A Practical Electuary for Relaxation and Healthy Skin

Hi beauties! I'm excited to share a down-to-earth blend that's not just tasty but packs a punch in the relaxation department. Imagine a jar filled with a mix of chamomile, rose petals, ashwagandha, lemon balm, and a hint of cinnamon, all hugged by honey. This isn't just any blend; it's a practical remedy for a good night's sleep and a skin pick-me-up. The No-Fuss Blend: I've whipped up an electuary that's not only effective but versatile too. With chamomile to mellow you out, rose petals for skin-loving antioxidants, ashwagandha to tackle stress, lemon balm for a calming touch, and cinnamon...

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Let's talk about hair growth

hair growth tips

Let's talk about hair growth

Are you tired of dealing with slow hair growth or hair loss? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with hair growth issues, myself included. But there are things you can do to promote healthy, fast-growing hair. In this blog post, we'll share some effective tips for hair growth that you can start using today. Nourish your hair from the inside out The health of your hair is closely linked to your diet. To promote hair growth, make sure you're eating a well-balanced diet that's rich in vitamins and minerals. Some of the key nutrients for hair health include...

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All about Magnesium Oil


All about Magnesium Oil

  I have been raving about magnesium oil for a while now and I can't stop telling people about it! I use it on myself and my whole family every single day and I have no plans of ever stopping!  Magnesium is not naturally occuring in our body, that means we depend on external sources to obtain it. Other sources being from food! Now the problem is that our food nowadays is so depleted from magnesium that no matter how much we try to eat food that is "rich in magnesium" we are still not getting enough. The soil our food...

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Dry VS. Dehydrated Skin

Dry VS. Dehydrated Skin

Did you know that dry skin and dehydrated skin aren’t the same thing? Dry skin and dehydrated skin share many of the same attributes such as tightness, roughness, flakiness, scaling, redness, and sensitivity. However, they are actually very different skin concerns with different underlying causes and require different treatments.Dry is considered a skin type, whereas dehydration is a skin condition that can happen to any skin type. Oily skin can experience some dehydration, a lack of oil in the skin and a weak lipid barrier are the usual signs of dry skin. However, a lack of water in your skin...

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Six Easy Things to Do to Get Better and Clean Skin

Six Easy Things to Do to Get Better and Clean Skin

Six tips to follow to live a clean life and maintain clean, healthy skin. Wash or Switch Your Pillowcase Every Week You should wash it extremely often – experts say that at least once a week is recommended. If you have especially sensitive skin and are prone to breakouts, you should also be careful of the detergent you utilize. Try to go for fragrance free products and to avoid fabric softeners. Frequent wash cycles might be considered annoying but it’s important. Your Bed Sheets Are Germ Magnets Did you know that the average person will spend 33% of their life in...

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